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World Service Conference Committees

Any member of Pills Anonymous may serve and vote on any World Service Conference Committee, however, each Participant is limited to voting in one committee. Non-delegates may serve as Committee officers.
Conference committee guidelines, policies and procedures are submitted to the Conference for approval, included in the Delegates notebooks, and are available to other interested members of the fellowship.


If you are interested in serving on a committee please contact the Ad-Hoc committee by clicking here.
The Conference Committees are:
1. Conference
2. Public Information
3. Convention
4. Common Welfare
5. Hospitals and Institutions
6. Organizational
7. Finance
8. P.A. Unity
9. Online Communications
10. Archive
11. Big Book
12. Ad-hoc




CONFERENCE COMMITTEE: The purpose of the WSC Conference Committee is to organize the
World Service Conference, which includes:
A. Hotel selection and negotiation;
B. Preparation of the agenda;
C. Preparation and review of the minutes from each Conference for distribution;
D. Compile the Delegate packets; and
E. Develops policies and procedures for the Conference.
The WSO and its Board of Directors is responsible for negotiations of contracts related to the Statement of Purpose of the Conference Committee. This includes WSC hotel contracts and taping contracts, which will be coordinated with the Conference Committee.
A subcommittee of the Conference Committee also serves as the Conference Coordination subcommittee. This subcommittee assists in all aspects of Conference planning. This subcommittee shall be chaired by the Conference Coordinator. The Conference Coordinator is responsible to the Conference
Committee and the Conference as a whole for meeting the requirements of the statement of purpose of the Conference Committee. The Conference Coordinator shall not be a voting member of the Conference. The term of service begins with the end of the Conference during which he/she is selected and ending at the end of the second successive Conference.


PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: In all public relations, P.A.’s sole objective is to help the still suffering addict. Always mindful of the importance of personal anonymity, we believe this can be done by making known to the addict, and to those who may be interested in their problem, our own experience as
individuals and as a Fellowship in learning to live without pills.
We believe that our experience should be made available freely to all who express sincere interest.
We believe further that all efforts in this field should always reflect our gratitude for the gift of sobriety and our awareness that many outside P.A. are equally concerned with the serious problem of addiction.
The Public Information Conference Committee develops, initiates, and plans the means of communication to the public, which is presented to the Conference for Fellowship approval.


CONVENTION COMMITTEE: The purpose of the World Service Convention is to promote enthusiasm and unity within the Fellowship of Pills Anonymous and financially support World Service efforts to carry the message. The purpose of the WSC Convention Committee is to:
Provide a World Service Convention for members of Pills Anonymous; Create uniform bidding guidelines;
Assist the convention (host) city in all aspects of resources and convention information; Provide guidance with budgeting; and Create World Service Convention guidelines, structures, and policies.


COMMON WELFARE COMMITTEE: The WSC Common Welfare Committee reviews, edits, and submits literature to the WSC for approval, through the 12 point literature approval process. This process may be found in the Committee’s guidelines. It is our function to facilitate the expression of our fellowship’s honesty, openness and willingness through the writing of material for distribution.
The literature we deal with is of the following types:
A. The proposed item will expand the inventory of materials adopted by the Fellowship and aids membership in an understanding and application of the Twelve Steps of Pills Anonymous and the Twelve Traditions of Pills Anonymous.
B. The proposed item carries the message of P.A. to the addict who still suffers.
C. The proposed item supplies valuable information to the professional fields with whom addicts would most likely come in contact.
D. The proposed item clarifies the nature of addiction to the general public and fellowship.


HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS COMMITTEE: To provide assistance and guidance to individual
Fellowships as well as service Groups that initiate hospital and institutional activity.

ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE: To formulate bylaws, guidelines and structures by which
this organization can operate, day-to-day, at Conferences and elsewhere, maintaining the World Service Manual by adding Conference approved changes that should be distributed to the fellowship in the first quarter of the year following the Conference.


FINANCE COMMITTEE: To develop and implement policies and procedures in all matters concerning
the finances of Pills Anonymous, including ways and means to generate funds necessary for the
continued growth of the fellowship, in accordance with our 12 Traditions.


P.A. UNITY COMMITTEE: To enhance our communication and international outreach among the diverse elements within the fellowship in the interest of carrying the P.A. message and to promote P.A. unity.


ONLINE COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: Responsible for recommending policies and procedures relative to:
A. Carrying the message of PA on the Internet, to include guidelines for any online PA meetings that wish to qualify for listing in a PA online meeting directory.
B. Creating and maintaining the official PA website.
C. Offering suggestions to private website owners who wish to ensure that their own PA-oriented websites are operated in the best interest of PA.
D. Assisting other PA committees with communicating their messages online.
E. Being available to the World Service Board of Trustees with regard to Internet-related matters.


ARCHIVE COMMITTEE: The purpose of the WSC Archive Committee is to collect, organize, categorize, copy, preserve and electronically store Pills Anonymous’ historically valued documents, printed materials and historical items.
A. Collecting pertinent information created by all standing committees while at Conference; the recording and digitizing of those documents based on the Archival Guidelines, and making those recordings and digital files available to the Conference Committee for following year Conference use.
B. Contacting members of the fellowship who may have memorabilia or archived documents they wish to loan or donate to the Pills Anonymous World Service Organization for the purpose of creating a complete PA Archive.
C. To implement when necessary industry practiced archive solutions so that the newest or most effective types of archival preservation techniques can be utilized in the pending Archival Guidelines.
D. The storage of all physical information and memorabilia.
The WSC Archive Committee will act as the primary facilitator for all archive related committees, ensuring that the pending Archival Guidelines are being used properly and effectively. The WSC Archive
Committee will act as the liaison directly with the World Service Office to ensure mutual oversight of the archive and make available for any committee use archives or memorabilia required for special events, meetings or special needs.


BIG BOOK COMMITTEE: Responsible for development of a book expressing the experience, strength and hope of Pills Anonymous.


AD-HOC COMMITTEE: Responsible for development of New Delegates so that they may be placed in the appropriate Committees.

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This is the official website of Pills Anonymous World Service, Inc. For queries regarding this website, please contact the webservant.

This site may answer questions concerning addiction, drug addiction, pill addiction, prescription pill addiction, prescription medication addiction, pill abuse, prescription pill abuse, prescription medication abuse, drug abuse, pill recovery, prescription pill recovery, prescription medication recovery, drug recovery, and recovery.


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